Home » Divine Intervention at Disneyland

Divine Intervention at Disneyland

“I will not let you fall, for I am watching over you day and night.” Psalm 121:3

When most people think of Anaheim, the first two things that come to mind are the Angels and Disneyland. I think of those too, but for me they take on an entirely different meaning.
One day in early 1985 when I was 19 years old, I was working at Disneyland as a busboy at the French Market Restaurant in New Orleans Square. After filling my bus tub with dirty dishes I carried it to the bus room where a mechanical dumbwaiter lowers it about fifteen feet onto a conveyor belt that leads to the main kitchen. On that day a coffee cup from my bus tub had come loose from the bus tub and fell back onto the conveyor. I stupidly took a long metal pole that we used to close the patio’s awnings and leaned into the bus shaft to try to move the coffee cup so it wouldn‘t jam the conveyor. I was leaning into the bus shaft and focusing on the task completely unaware of the slowly approaching blades until they tapped me on my back near my shoulder blades. My immediate reaction was to push back, but the chain-driven motorized dumbwaiter kept its mechanical downward motion. I pushed back harder, to the point where the metal blades were ripping my clothes and lacerating my skin, but I was being forced down the bus shaft. I could have been crushed or impaled on the pole right then, but I got out of relentless compress by going with the downward motion, falling headfirst down the bus shaft. The shaft was approximately three feet by three feet, so there was no room or time to flip over. I kind of blacked-out and don’t really know how I landed, but somehow I landed softly and safely feet-first on the conveyor belt guided only, I’m convinced, by the hand of God or at least one of His Angels.
It was a miracle. I don’t throw the word “miracle” around. I’m not one of those people who sees the Virgin Mary in a burnt tortilla, but there’s no other way to explain it. There was divine intervention in that bus shaft; I’m absolutely sure of it. What happened to me that day in that bus shaft defies the laws on nature. My fifteen foot headfirst fall should have killed me or at least severely injured me, instead it produced no broken bones, not even impact cuts or contusions. My only real injury was a bruised ego when I told the story to laughing co-workers.
“Experience a Miracle” should be on everyone’s bucket list. I just hope that you don’t have to go through an industrial accident to experience your miracle, but know that miracles do happen, and I’m living proof of it!